
How To Create The Perfect “Must Buy” Offer That Sell

How To Create The Perfect Must Buy Offer That Sell
How To Create The Perfect "Must Buy" Offer That Sell

Last week I had a few sales calls and one of the calls was to discuss a challenge a fantastic coach was facing.

That challenge was dialing in his offer.

To which we will be having a 1:1 consultation call to fix immediately this week and have him dominate his niche and step away from looking like all the other “gurus” to looking like the golden goose that everyone wants to give their money to.

Now, of course, I can’t go into as much detail in a singular post as I will be with him but I’ll be able to give you enough to get you on your way to doing the same.

1. Decide On Deliverability

Are you looking to do 1:1? Group coaching? Create a course? Decide on how you want to deliver your value.

1:1 can be great for those who prefer a tight knitted relationship like me and to ensure results.

Group coaching or a course can be great for scalability and time efficiency.

Pick one model to start.

2. What Problems Do You Solve?

Break down your knowledge into segments by thinking about all the problems you solve in a single niche and writing them down.

For example, one of my students Charles is an email marketing wizard that offers done for you services. He also wants to step into the world of coaching, consulting. I asked him to list some topics he’s great at.

To list a few:

-Subject Headlines

-Increasing conversions and traffic

-Psychology of marketing

So his offer is these topics and the rest bundled up into a systematic easy to follow coaching program.


Because they solve problems. Better subject headlines = higher open rate. Increasing conversations = more sales for his students etc.

3. Pierce Their Mind With Words

This step is more down to communicating your offer whether that be over the phone through content or over messenger.

Everyone’s explanation of their offer is so bland it’s like eating plain, dry cold turkey.

Add some spice to it. To do this, pillar sell.

On our calls or over messenger when we’re asked about our offer we break it down into pillars.

Here’s an example of an explanation about the organic lead generation segment of my coaching…

So Pillar 2 of the program is organic lead generation. In terms of sales calls. I want to show you how to get your calendar booked solid up with 10+ sales appointments on a week-to-week basis with organic methods.

We’ll be achieving this by blowing up your Facebook Profile and turning it into what I like to call a profile funnel. A funnel that brings you streams of leads willing to snap their wrist clean throwing money at you – without you spending a single penny.

And accelerating the process using a proven outreach script.

Adam Smith, one of my students, made 7K in 5 days from his Facebook Profile and Filip booked 3 sales calls on his first day using our outreach script.

Sounds far better than “We’ll help you get leads”.


Do this for every segment of your offer and you have immediately separated yourself from every other coach in your niche.

It’ll only be a matter of time until they crack and pay, If not, instantly.

4. Competitive Pricing Or Flexible Pricing

Before I go into this know that you should always price your offer according to the value you’re providing.

Alongside this, there are 2 things you can do.

You can beat your competitors on pricing or you can charge more but offer flexibility.

Those that have been on a call with me will know I allow the person to create a customizable payment plan.

If they say I can do $400 per week for three weeks.

We’ll do that! A fantastic way of making a mouth-watering offer.

If you want to know how you remove the risk of being done over by doing this leave me to know.

Hope this post serves you!

Author: This Article Written By Matthew J Phillips

This is a Contributor Post. Opinions expressed here are opinions of the Contributor. Grindsuccess does not endorse or review brands mentioned; does not and cannot investigate relationships with brands, products, images used and people mentioned, and is up to the Contributor to disclose.

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