How to Build and Maintain Long-term Relationships with an Outsourced Sales Team

Build Long-term Relationships with Outsourced Sales Team
How to Build and Maintain Long-term Relationships with an Outsourced Sales Team

The efficiency of work teams in a business is a determinant that counts toward the overall success of the company. This means that brands have to work to build and maintain the relationships between members of different work teams.

In this era where many businesses have embraced outsourcing various services from consultancy firms, it is also vital to have strong relationships with the outsourced teams.

Outsourcing of services is whereby brands contract an external firm or consultancy to handle specific tasks on their behalf. One standard service that is outsourced is sales.

Outsourced sales teams handle the marketing and sales functions on behalf of the business that has hired them. Often, outsourced sales teams are forgotten during team-building exercises or other exercises that help build good relationships among team members. 

Businesses keen on ensuring that internal and outsourced teams deliver the best results are conscious. The brands are conscious about building and maintaining long-term relationships with the outsourced sales teams.

This article offers much-needed guidance on how to build and maintain long-term relationships with an outsourced sales team.

1. Clear Communication

Good and clear communication is among the most vital components required to build and maintain long-term relationships among people. While this rule is commonly applied to friendships, it is also required for relationships among teams at work.

If you have an outsourced sales team, it is important to communicate with them. Clear communication should entail you informing them about the products and services offered by the business that they are required to sell.

This ensures that the outsourced sales team is knowledgeable about the brand’s products and services.

Clear communication about the brand’s sales or services also helps outsourced sales teams work better. The team can answer client questions about the products or services they sell.

2. The setting of Clear Goals

The quickest way to have a rough relationship and experience with an outsourced sales team is failing to set clear goals with them. Similar to other in-house teams at work, the outsourced sales teams should also get their work targets to work towards attaining.

When a business reaches the point of outsourcing a sales team, the business has its in-house targets. All businesses have targets for their sales team since it is the fundamental business unit that brings in revenue to the business.

One can say that the sales team is in charge of ensuring that the business does not collapse due to a lack of enough revenue that would have been gotten from sales. 

When the business finally signs an outsourced sales team, they should communicate the sales targets to the outsourced team. They can also set some goals, milestones, and targets with the outsourced team.

Setting clear goals with the outsourced team helps them work towards the same goals as the rest of the business employees. 

Setting goals with the outsourced team will ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same objectives. It will also help your team to stay motivated and focused.

3. Training and Support

The easiest way to build and maintain long-term relationships with outsourced sales teams is to help them achieve the set targets and goals. In most cases, businesses that seek the services of outsourced teams often neglect the outsourced teams. After all, they think that the team should do all the work because they are being paid.

However, neglecting the outsourced sales team will make their work strenuous and affect their relationship with the other personnel. You should provide relevant training to the outsourced sales team so they can easily undertake their duties.

The relevant training can include teaching the team about sales strategies and techniques that have worked for your brand’s products or services. 

You should also provide relevant support to the outsourced sales team since their success in their duties culminates in better revenues for the business.

Providing resources to the outsourced sales teams also helps increase their confidence and effectiveness while also strengthening your relationship with them.

4. Recognize and Reward Success

Failure to reward and recognize a person’s success in any area of life will lead to them being demoralized and feeling unmotivated. When working with an outsourced sales team, it is essential to recognize their success.

As stated earlier, it is vital to set goals, objectives, and milestones together with the outsourced sales team. Once these have been set, they are used as key performance indicators (KPIs) for the team.

Recognize and Reward Success

Whenever the outsourced sales team achieves a certain target, milestone, or goal that has been set, that is an important success for the team.

When such successes have been met by the team, recognizing the success and appreciating the outsourced sales team will better the relationship. The rewards for the success that you have recognized can include sales bonuses, commissions, office parties, or other incentives that will further motivate the team.

Rewarding the outsourced sales team will ensure sales and productivity increases and that all teams’ relationships stay perfect and strong.

5. Team-Building Efforts

Team building events have become a common household name in many corporate companies. During team building events, the various employees engage in team games and other activities that require them to work in teams.

Often, the outsourced service teams are left out of team-building efforts. Leaving out the outsourced sales team makes them feel as if they are not a part of the whole business fraternity. This is why it is vital to invite outsourced sales teams to team-building events. The team-building activities will foster long-term relationships with in-house teams.


Building and maintaining long-term relationships with an outsourced sales team requires commitment. It needs a commitment to clear communication, setting clear goals, providing training and support, rewarding and recognizing success, and engaging in team-building efforts.

By following these best practices, you can create a successful partnership with your outsourced sales team that will increase sales, revenue, and overall success for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

#. Why is it important to build and maintain long-term relationships with an outsourced sales team?

Building and maintaining long-term relationships with an outsourced sales team is essential for achieving success in today’s fast-paced business environment.

#. What are some best practices for building and maintaining relationships with an outsourced sales team?

Some best practices include: communicating clearly, setting clear goals, providing training and support, rewarding and recognizing success, and engaging in team-building events. By following these best practices, you can create a successful partnership with your outsourced sales team, leading to increased sales and revenue for your business.

#. How can I reward and recognize the success of my outsourced sales team?

There are a few ways to reward and recognize the success of your outsourced sales team. This can include bonuses, commissions, or other incentives. Additionally, you can also recognize their hard work and achievements through verbal or written feedback, promotions, or by giving them more responsibilities.

Recognizing your team’s efforts will help keep them motivated and engaged, leading to increased productivity and sales.

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